There is some differences of the two.
The difference is in its use. Hemp and Marijuana both come from the
same plant - Cannabis Sativa L. The term 'Hemp' commonly refers to the
industrial/commercial use of the cannabis stalk and seed for textiles, foods,
papers, body care products, detergents, plastics and building materials. The
term 'marijuana' refers to the medicinal, recreational or spiritual use
involving the smoking of cannabis flowers. Industrial hemp contains only about
0.3% - 1.5% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinoids, the intoxicating ingredients that make
you high) while marijuana contains about 5% - 10% or more THC. Hemp fibre is the
longest, strongest and most durable of all natural fibres. Hemp cultivation
requires no chemicals, pesticides or herbicides. Grown in rotation with other
crops such as corn and legumes, hemp farming is completely sustainable. Hemp
produces four times as much fibre per acre as pine trees. Hemp tree-free paper
can be recycled up to seven times, compared with three times for pine-pulp based
papers. Hemp is easy to grow, and actually conditions soil where it grows. The
seed and seed-oil are high in protein, essential fatty and amino acids, and
vitamins. Hemp would be an ideal source of biomass for fuel, and hemp Ethanol
burns very cleanly.
Hemp and humanity have been linked for over 10,000 years.
Hemp was our first agricultural crop, and remained the planet's largest crop and
most important industry until late last century. Most of the non-Western world
never stopped growing hemp, and today hemp for commercial use is grown mostly by
China, Hungary, England, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Holland,
Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, India and throughout
Differences Between Industrial Hemp and
Industrial hemp is a variety of cannabis sativa
that has a long history of use in the United States.
However, since the
1950s it has been lumped into the same category of marijuana, and thus
the extremely versatile crop was doomed in the United
States. Industrial hemp is technically from the same species of plant
that psychoactive marijuana comes from. However, it is from a different variety,
or subspecies that contains many important differences.
The main differences between industrial hemp and marijuana will be
discussed below.
Industrial hemp has low THC levels compared to
marijuana specifically cultivated for personal psychoactive use.
Whereas marijuana that can be smoked usually contains between five and
ten percent THC, industrial hemp contains about one-tenth
of that. In order to get a psychoactive effect, one would
need to smoke ten or twelve hemp cigarettes over a very short period of
The reason for the low THC content in hemp is that
most THC is formed in resin glands on the buds and flowers of the
female cannabis plant. Industrial hemp is not cultivated to produce buds,
and therefore lacks the primary component that forms the
marijuana high. Furthermore, industrial hemp has higher
concentrations of a chemical called Cannabidiol (CBD) that has a negative effect
on THC and lessens its psychoactive effects when smoked in
Compared to cannabis sativa indica, cannabis sativa
sativa (industrial hemp variety) has a much stronger fiber. This
fiber can be used in anything from rope and blankets to paper. Marijuana
fiber has a low tensile strength and will break or shred
easily, making it a poor fibrous plant when compared to
industrial hemp.
Industrial hemp also grows differently than
THC-containing cannabis. Hemp is typically grown up, not
out, because the focus is not on producing buds but on
producing length of stalk. In this way, hemp is a very similar crop to
bamboo. The stalk contains the fiber and hard, woody core material that can be
used for a
variety of purposes, even carpentry. Generally,
THC-producing marijuana plants are grown to an average of five feet in height.
Industrial hemp on the other hand is grown to a height of ten to fifteen feet
before harvest. Also, it is fairly difficult to grow
concealed marijuana within industrial hemp crops as the
alleges. Since industrial hemp is grown so close
together and is generally a very narrow, vertical growth crop, any
THC-producing marijuana would stick out like a sore thumb. Its wide growth would
require a large amount of space to itself in order to get adequate
sunlight from beyond the tops of the competing industrial hemp
The two also differ in the areas that they can be
effectively grown. THC-producing Marijuana must be grown in generally warm
and humid environments in order to produce the desired quantity and quality
of THC-containing buds. However, since industrial hemp
does not contain these buds, and the hardy parts of the plant are the more
desired, it can be grown in a wider range of areas. Generally, industrial hemp
grows best on fields that provide high yields for corn crops,
which includes most of the Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast United
States. Furthermore, since industrial hemp can use male plants as well as female
plants (since the object is not THC production), higher crop
yields can result.
Hemp also has little potential to produce high-content
THC when pollinated. As long as industrial hemp plants are pollinated by
members of their own crop, then the genetics will remain similar with low levels
of THC.
One would have to place several marijuana plants in
close vicinity in over several generations order to alter the genetics
substantially of the offspring.
Since there are
so many differences between industrial hemp and high-THC marijuana, it seems to
make sense that it would be a fostered, rather than demonized
crop. Although technically hemp is not illegal to grow, it requires
obtaining a special permit from the DEA. These permits are rarely given out and
require that the crop be surrounded by security measures such as
fences, razor wire, security guards, or dogs. For a crop
that has little-to-no potential to get people high, the
current attitude is both irresponsible and
Industrial hemp could transform the economy of the
United States in a positive and beneficial way, and therefore should be
exploited to its full potential.
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