What is CBD? It might surprise you how good you will feel.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than 80 known components found in cannabis. There’s an ever increasing amount of research pointing to various health benefits in CBD, all while being non-psychoactive. The component responsible for giving users a “high” is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is prevalent in marijuana.
CBD is not considered to have any street value due to its lack of psychoactive effects and risk of abuse. Rather, CBD in discernible amounts reportedly promotes a calming, sedative effect.
If interested in an aide to perform your own research, we recommend referencing Granny Storm Crow’s List for an extensive collection of CBD research relavant to specific conditions.
How does CBD Work?
Simply put, CBD stimulates and regulates the endo-cannabinoid system, a group of neuromodulators in our body responsible for a variety of physiological processes.
To understand how CBD works, we need to know that our bodies produce many different cannabinoids that interact with our cannabinoid receptors. The endo-cannabinoid system regulates appetite, pain-sensation, mood, memory and more by producing cannabinoids to interact with our body’s cannabinoid receptors that are found in the brain, as well as on some of our organs. While most cannabinoids bind into these receptors, CBD, which is essentially a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in plants, interacts with the endo-cannabinoid system indirectly, regulating the production of our own internal cannabinoids and promoting the overall health of our endo-cannabinoid system.
The endo-cannabinoid system plays a crucial role in the normal functions of the immune and nervous systems. By stimulating and regulating the endo-cannabinoid system with CBD, we can observe a wide variety of positive effects, as showcased by numerous recent studies on the subject.
Research on the exact properties of CBD and its interaction with our bodies is currently underway and scientists uncover new facts about this cannabinoid literally every month. So far, the results have been almost exclusively encouraging.
Research on the exact properties of CBD and its interaction with our bodies is currently underway and scientists uncover new facts about this cannabinoid literally every month. So far, the results have been almost exclusively encouraging.
What is the legality around CBD?
Short answer: CBD, produced through the proper means, is legal everywhere.
Our hemp oil products are legal to consume, sell and possess in the U.S., as well as any other country in the rest of the world. Industrial hemp oil and all its derivatives are considered dietary supplements by the FDA. Our hemp is imported according to all safety standards and handled in an FDA-registered process facility in the U.S. There is a clear legal distinction between industrial hemp and marijuana, which is a controlled substance. However, hemp produced within the U.S. isn’t compliant with federal regulations and that’s why we import our industrial hemp from outside the country.
Why are Cannabidiol (CBD) products so expensive?
CBD oil is produced from industrial hemp via supercritical CO2 extraction that takes place in a fully certified facility in the US. However, in order for us to legally obtain the hemp, it must be grown outside the United States, so shipping costs can add up.
After CBD has been extracted, it is analyzed for its potency and purity, a process known as standardization, before being turned into its final CBD oil form.
All the above steps add into our CBD products’ costs, but ensure consistent quality and compliance with all health and safety standards.
If the cultivation of industrial hemp becomes fully legal within the US, then the cost of hemp products, including CBD oil, will be dramatically decreased, while quality will remain the same.
What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?
Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the Cannabis genus of plants, bred for different purposes. Industrial hemp is exclusively produced by Cannabis sativa, while marijuana can refer to the sub-genuses of Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis.
Industrial hemp is grown to be fibrous and durable, with very long stalks and as few flowering buds as possible. Marijuana strains of cannabis are typically smaller, flimsier and have as many flowering buds as their breeding can allow. Marijuana is bred with the sole purpose of maximizing the concentration of THC, while industrial hemp naturally has trace amounts of THC and fairly high amounts of CBD.
Hemp’s chemical profile means that you can’t get ‘high’ from it and it is used to create medicinal remedies, food and oil, as well as other products including rope, bricks, natural polymers, fiber, clothes and many more. Marijuana is used recreationally and medicinally only.
What is the best method of ingesting CBD?
There are many ways to go about getting your CBD, and the best method ultimately depends on your lifestyle and the reason you are taking the CBD oil in the first place.
The methods of taking CBD are:
• Swallowing it (absorption in the stomach)
• Sublingual and mucous membrane absorption in the mouth
• Vaporization (usually through a vape pen)
• Dermal absorption (massage)
• Rectal absorption (rare and almost exclusively for serious medical reasons)
• Swallowing it (absorption in the stomach)
• Sublingual and mucous membrane absorption in the mouth
• Vaporization (usually through a vape pen)
• Dermal absorption (massage)
• Rectal absorption (rare and almost exclusively for serious medical reasons)
The most convenient way to ingest your CBD is arguably by swallowing it, and it is also the method recommended if you aim to strengthen your internal organs. To use CBD in battling anxiety or to help you with any other nervous or psychological issues, taking CBD sublingually is recommended as it acts quicker.
When you want to take your CBD with you, CBD gums or vaporizers offer you the most convenient and inconspicuous solutions.
What is the ideal serving size for me, and how often should I take it?
The exact properties of CBD are still being researched and the ideal serving size for particular conditions haven’t been discovered yet. As CBD is largely free of side-effects, there is no point where taking “too much” CBD can hurt you, but you should still exercise moderation and use common sense.
Here are some general recommendations for a person weighing about 150 pounds, based on various research studies on CBD oil, as well as our own customers’ feedback and success stories:
1) 15 drops of CBD oil (or the equivalent of ½ ml) 2 times per day, for mild problems such as everyday anxiety, mild aches, mild sleep problems and general health maintenance.
2) 30 drops of CBD oil (or the equivalent of 1 ml) for moderate anxiety, inflammation, frequent aches, insomnia and other health problems.
3) Up to 90 drops of CBD oil (or the equivalent of up to 3 ml) for any other serious health condition including diabetes, cancer, MS and others, always in conjunction with your other medications and after consulting with your doctor.
Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to have virtually no side-effects, both physically and mentally. There have been no documented major side effects caused by ingesting CBD and hemp in general.
Very rarely, when first ingesting CBD, some people will experience a short-lasting, mild stomach pain. This pain typically subsides a few days after use. High concentrations of CBD can have a mild sedative effect. Abnormally high servings of CBD (more than 200mg of CBD in a single dose) may induce an unpleasant emotional state of restlessness known as dysphoria. This is only the case with unrealistically high concentrations of CBD that no person should be ingesting in the first place.
Will this cure me and when?
We cannot guarantee anything and cannot make any specific claims about cannabidiol’s efficacy. This goes beyond our authority and our expertise and is best left to the experts who are conducting research on CBD’s efficacy as we speak.
What we can tell you is that on a daily basis, we are hearing incredible stories from our customers about how CBD transformed their lives. Some people are verifying what scientists have already proven about CBD’s health benefits against anxiety and inflammation, while others share stories about success with ailments that scientists haven’t yet produced conclusive evidence about regarding CBD’s efficacy. Therefore, as the potential benefits of CBD are not yet fully understood and can vary greatly between individuals, it’s impossible for anyone to tell for sure when, how and if CBD will cure you.
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